Albiet slow -- after all, this rendering is competing with my mental and emotional navigation (smile) of my now "empty nest" -- the current work-in-progress is beginning to take shape. This photo of it shows the placement of all the horses as well as some of the landforms. The image still appears very flat, as this only depicts some of the base coat: soon I will begin to lay in the upper layers and building more depth and dimension into the piece.
As I have continued to work on this piece, I've begun to feel somewhat more comfortable with the lack of close detail as well as the image's ambiguity that I..........okay..........
whined about during my previous post. In retrospect, I was attempting to intellectualize the process rather than just following my gut instincts. So I am pushing through my mental obstacles with this piece, and in so doing am learning a tremendous amount about myself. For example, in working through this drawing I frequently find that I'm struggling to trust my ability to make the artistic decisions needed to execute it. While I've been very aware of a periodic lack of confidence while addressing challenges during previous drawings, this nagging sensation has been nearly relentless since beginning this piece. Seeing no other way around it except to go
through it, I will, of course, press on -- realizing that I have much to learn from the struggle itself.