Early tomorrow I leave for Atlanta, Georgia, to attend convention week of the Colored Pencil Society of America's 17th International Exhibition. This will be the third time I have attended this event, and I have grown to thoroughly enjoy it. The convention week schedule includes workshops, an artists' reception, the awards banquet, and a national membership meeting.
In general my involvement in CPSA has provided wonderful opportunities to network with other artists, as well as form close friendships. In addition it has helped my confidence as an artist to increase dramatically. A 'shout-out' is due to artist Gary Greene of Washington state who, during a workshop he taught in Traverse City, Michigan several years ago, strongly encouraged me to become a member of CPSA. He also made it very clear that if I did not start drawing more, I would regret it someday.
I'm sure he was right -- though it is my plan to not find out.